The combination of red and white roses arranged by IndiaGiftsKart are symbols of unity which makes it a perfect pick as a wedding gift or on occasions where you celebrate togetherness like an anniversary. The white and red roses bouquet comes with Italian Ruscus as a filler that represents purity of heart. Buy a lovely roses bouquet from IndiaGiftsKart and get it delivered anywhere in India.
Product Details:-
- Colour of Roses: Red and White
- The number of Rose Stems: 10 or 18
- Packing: Cellophane sheet
- Fillers: Italian Ruscus
- Ribbon Type: Silk
Care & Tips:-
- Trim 1-2” of the flowers’ stems at a 45 degree and add water for their longer sustain.
- Avoid direct heat to flowers, they will last longer.
- Remove leaves below the waterline and add lemon & sugar to the water.
- The green fillers added to the bouquet may vary as per seasonal availability.
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