Black Forest Cherry Cake
Rs.549Birthday Chocolate Cake
Rs.499Chocolate Cake
Rs.599Round Pineapple Cake
Rs.499Tempting Vanilla Cake
Rs.699Round Butter Scotch Cake
Rs.549Rocher Balls Cake
Rs.1199Designer Vanilla Cake
Rs.799Luv u Papa Butterscotch Cake
Rs.649Cherry Luv Black Forest
Rs.649Dark Heart Shaped Cake
Rs.849Tic Tac Toe Chocolate Cake
Rs.699Chocolate Walnut Cake
Rs.849Premium Butter Scotch Cake
Rs.1249Heart Shape Strawberry Cake
Rs.1211Red Velvet Kitkat Cake
Rs.999Classic KitKat Gems Cake
Rs.949Classic Red Velvet Cake
Rs.1449Heart Choco Chips Cake
Rs.799White Forest Cherry
Rs.719Divine Chocolate Cake
Rs.799Eggless Black Forest Cake
Rs.649Heartlicious Choco Love
Rs.869Heart Love Photo Cake
Rs.1489KitKat Chocolate Bliss Cake
Rs.1249Barbie the Kids Cake
Rs.2899Eggless Mango Delight Cake
Rs.1849Chocolate Paradise
Rs.649The Choco Cake
Rs.499Kit-Kat Gems Bonanza
Rs.1699Forest Classic Cakes
Rs.699Choco Cherry Cake
Rs.749Dil 2 Dil Choco Cake
Rs.849Cherry Pineapple Cake
Rs.529Creamy Butter Scotch Cake
Rs.599Choco Gems Delight
Rs.1399Choco Delight Cake
Rs.799Heart Shaped Red Delight
Rs.1749Choco Truffle Cake
Rs.749Black Forest Bliss
Rs.649White Forest Cake
Rs.699Ace forest Cake
Rs.849Delicious Chocolate Cake
Rs.549Vanilla Fruit Cake
Rs.1449Minion Fondant Cake
Rs.1849KitKat Oreo Cake
Rs.1149Choco Pineapple Cake
Rs.1211Red Velvet Delight
Rs.1411Ferrero Rocher Cake
Rs.1611We Love Dad Cake
Rs.1449Forest Romance
Rs.1199Round Chocolate Cake
Rs.699Chocolate Bliss Cake
Rs.799Ferrero Rocher Cake
Rs.1049KitKat Chocolate Cake
Rs.749Angry Bird Fondant Cake
Rs.1899KitKat Shots Cake
Rs.1999Rose Vanilla Cake
Rs.1649Dil Gems Cake
Rs.849Heart Butterscotch Cake
Rs.849Exotic Choco Truffle Cake
Rs.799Choco Chip Cake
Rs.849Football Cake
Rs.1449Kitkat Gems Cake
Rs.949Vanilla Strawberry Cake
Rs.799Cricket Fondant Cake
Rs.1899Red Velvet Love
Rs.949Love Red Velvet Cake
Rs.2099Chota Bheem Cake
Rs.1199Love in Heart Cake
Rs.1499Frosted Flowers Cake
Rs.649Gym Fondant Cake
Rs.1899Black Forest Dil Scoop
Rs.6992 Tier Wedding Cake
Rs.3699Heart Shape Lovers Cake
Rs.899Minions Kids Cake
Rs.1449Mothers Day Chocolate Cake
Rs.699Snowman Fondant Cake
Rs.1749Mothers Day Vanilla Cake
Rs.749World's Best Mom Cake
Rs.649Elegant Mothers Day Cake
Rs.1399Pyaari Maa Pineapple Cake
Rs.749Angry Bird Kids Cake
Rs.1549Angry Bird Kids Cake
Rs.1549Pyaari Maa Pineapple Cake
Rs.749Elegant Mothers Day Cake
Rs.1399World's Best Mom Cake
Rs.649Mothers Day Vanilla Cake
Rs.749Snowman Fondant Cake
Rs.1749Mothers Day Chocolate Cake
Rs.699Minions Kids Cake
Rs.1449Heart Shape Lovers Cake
Rs.8992 Tier Wedding Cake
Rs.3699Black Forest Dil Scoop
Rs.699Gym Fondant Cake
Rs.1899Frosted Flowers Cake
Rs.649Love in Heart Cake
Rs.1499Chota Bheem Cake
Rs.1199Love Red Velvet Cake
Rs.2099Red Velvet Love
Rs.949Cricket Fondant Cake
Rs.1899Vanilla Strawberry Cake
Rs.799Kitkat Gems Cake
Rs.949Football Cake
Rs.1449Choco Chip Cake
Rs.849Exotic Choco Truffle Cake
Rs.799Heart Butterscotch Cake
Rs.849Dil Gems Cake
Rs.849Rose Vanilla Cake
Rs.1649KitKat Shots Cake
Rs.1999Angry Bird Fondant Cake
Rs.1899KitKat Chocolate Cake
Rs.749Ferrero Rocher Cake
Rs.1049Chocolate Bliss Cake
Rs.799Round Chocolate Cake
Rs.699Forest Romance
Rs.1199We Love Dad Cake
Rs.1449Ferrero Rocher Cake
Rs.1611Red Velvet Delight
Rs.1411Choco Pineapple Cake
Rs.1211KitKat Oreo Cake
Rs.1149Minion Fondant Cake
Rs.1849Vanilla Fruit Cake
Rs.1449Delicious Chocolate Cake
Rs.549Ace forest Cake
Rs.849White Forest Cake
Rs.699Black Forest Bliss
Rs.649Choco Truffle Cake
Rs.749Heart Shaped Red Delight
Rs.1749Choco Delight Cake
Rs.799Choco Gems Delight
Rs.1399Creamy Butter Scotch Cake
Rs.599Cherry Pineapple Cake
Rs.529Dil 2 Dil Choco Cake
Rs.849Choco Cherry Cake
Rs.749Forest Classic Cakes
Rs.699Kit-Kat Gems Bonanza
Rs.1699The Choco Cake
Rs.499Chocolate Paradise
Rs.649Eggless Mango Delight Cake
Rs.1849Barbie the Kids Cake
Rs.2899KitKat Chocolate Bliss Cake
Rs.1249Heart Love Photo Cake
Rs.1489Heartlicious Choco Love
Rs.869Eggless Black Forest Cake
Rs.649Divine Chocolate Cake
Rs.799White Forest Cherry
Rs.719Heart Choco Chips Cake
Rs.799Classic Red Velvet Cake
Rs.1449Classic KitKat Gems Cake
Rs.949Red Velvet Kitkat Cake
Rs.999Heart Shape Strawberry Cake
Rs.1211Premium Butter Scotch Cake
Rs.1249Chocolate Walnut Cake
Rs.849Tic Tac Toe Chocolate Cake
Rs.699Dark Heart Shaped Cake
Rs.849Cherry Luv Black Forest
Rs.649Luv u Papa Butterscotch Cake
Rs.649Designer Vanilla Cake
Rs.799Rocher Balls Cake
Rs.1199Round Butter Scotch Cake
Rs.549Tempting Vanilla Cake
Rs.699Round Pineapple Cake
Rs.499Chocolate Cake
Rs.599Birthday Chocolate Cake
Rs.499Black Forest Cherry Cake
Rs.549Round Pineapple Cake
Rs.499Birthday Chocolate Cake
Rs.499The Choco Cake
Rs.499Cherry Pineapple Cake
Rs.529Delicious Chocolate Cake
Rs.549Black Forest Cherry Cake
Rs.549Round Butter Scotch Cake
Rs.549Chocolate Cake
Rs.599Creamy Butter Scotch Cake
Rs.599Eggless Black Forest Cake
Rs.649Frosted Flowers Cake
Rs.649World's Best Mom Cake
Rs.649Chocolate Paradise
Rs.649Luv u Papa Butterscotch Cake
Rs.649Cherry Luv Black Forest
Rs.649Black Forest Bliss
Rs.649White Forest Cake
Rs.699Tempting Vanilla Cake
Rs.699Black Forest Dil Scoop
Rs.699Mothers Day Chocolate Cake
Rs.699Tic Tac Toe Chocolate Cake
Rs.699Round Chocolate Cake
Rs.699Forest Classic Cakes
Rs.699White Forest Cherry
Rs.719Choco Truffle Cake
Rs.749Pyaari Maa Pineapple Cake
Rs.749Mothers Day Vanilla Cake
Rs.749Choco Cherry Cake
Rs.749KitKat Chocolate Cake
Rs.749Choco Delight Cake
Rs.799Designer Vanilla Cake
Rs.799Exotic Choco Truffle Cake
Rs.799Heart Choco Chips Cake
Rs.799Vanilla Strawberry Cake
Rs.799Chocolate Bliss Cake
Rs.799Divine Chocolate Cake
Rs.799Heart Butterscotch Cake
Rs.849Choco Chip Cake
Rs.849Dil Gems Cake
Rs.849Dil 2 Dil Choco Cake
Rs.849Dark Heart Shaped Cake
Rs.849Ace forest Cake
Rs.849Chocolate Walnut Cake
Rs.849Heartlicious Choco Love
Rs.869Heart Shape Lovers Cake
Rs.899Kitkat Gems Cake
Rs.949Red Velvet Love
Rs.949Classic KitKat Gems Cake
Rs.949Red Velvet Kitkat Cake
Rs.999Ferrero Rocher Cake
Rs.1049KitKat Oreo Cake
Rs.1149Chota Bheem Cake
Rs.1199Forest Romance
Rs.1199Rocher Balls Cake
Rs.1199Choco Pineapple Cake
Rs.1211Heart Shape Strawberry Cake
Rs.1211Premium Butter Scotch Cake
Rs.1249KitKat Chocolate Bliss Cake
Rs.1249Choco Gems Delight
Rs.1399Elegant Mothers Day Cake
Rs.1399Red Velvet Delight
Rs.1411Classic Red Velvet Cake
Rs.1449Football Cake
Rs.1449Minions Kids Cake
Rs.1449We Love Dad Cake
Rs.1449Vanilla Fruit Cake
Rs.1449Heart Love Photo Cake
Rs.1489Love in Heart Cake
Rs.1499Angry Bird Kids Cake
Rs.1549Ferrero Rocher Cake
Rs.1611Rose Vanilla Cake
Rs.1649Kit-Kat Gems Bonanza
Rs.1699Snowman Fondant Cake
Rs.1749Heart Shaped Red Delight
Rs.1749Eggless Mango Delight Cake
Rs.1849Minion Fondant Cake
Rs.1849Gym Fondant Cake
Rs.1899Angry Bird Fondant Cake
Rs.1899Cricket Fondant Cake
Rs.1899KitKat Shots Cake
Rs.1999Love Red Velvet Cake
Rs.2099Barbie the Kids Cake
Rs.28992 Tier Wedding Cake
Rs.36992 Tier Wedding Cake
Rs.3699Barbie the Kids Cake
Rs.2899Love Red Velvet Cake
Rs.2099KitKat Shots Cake
Rs.1999Cricket Fondant Cake
Rs.1899Angry Bird Fondant Cake
Rs.1899Gym Fondant Cake
Rs.1899Minion Fondant Cake
Rs.1849Eggless Mango Delight Cake
Rs.1849Heart Shaped Red Delight
Rs.1749Snowman Fondant Cake
Rs.1749Kit-Kat Gems Bonanza
Rs.1699Rose Vanilla Cake
Rs.1649Ferrero Rocher Cake
Rs.1611Angry Bird Kids Cake
Rs.1549Love in Heart Cake
Rs.1499Heart Love Photo Cake
Rs.1489Vanilla Fruit Cake
Rs.1449We Love Dad Cake
Rs.1449Minions Kids Cake
Rs.1449Football Cake
Rs.1449Classic Red Velvet Cake
Rs.1449Red Velvet Delight
Rs.1411Elegant Mothers Day Cake
Rs.1399Choco Gems Delight
Rs.1399KitKat Chocolate Bliss Cake
Rs.1249Premium Butter Scotch Cake
Rs.1249Heart Shape Strawberry Cake
Rs.1211Choco Pineapple Cake
Rs.1211Rocher Balls Cake
Rs.1199Forest Romance
Rs.1199Chota Bheem Cake
Rs.1199KitKat Oreo Cake
Rs.1149Ferrero Rocher Cake
Rs.1049Red Velvet Kitkat Cake
Rs.999Classic KitKat Gems Cake
Rs.949Red Velvet Love
Rs.949Kitkat Gems Cake
Rs.949Heart Shape Lovers Cake
Rs.899Heartlicious Choco Love
Rs.869Chocolate Walnut Cake
Rs.849Ace forest Cake
Rs.849Dark Heart Shaped Cake
Rs.849Dil 2 Dil Choco Cake
Rs.849Dil Gems Cake
Rs.849Choco Chip Cake
Rs.849Heart Butterscotch Cake
Rs.849Divine Chocolate Cake
Rs.799Chocolate Bliss Cake
Rs.799Vanilla Strawberry Cake
Rs.799Heart Choco Chips Cake
Rs.799Exotic Choco Truffle Cake
Rs.799Designer Vanilla Cake
Rs.799Choco Delight Cake
Rs.799KitKat Chocolate Cake
Rs.749Choco Cherry Cake
Rs.749Mothers Day Vanilla Cake
Rs.749Pyaari Maa Pineapple Cake
Rs.749Choco Truffle Cake
Rs.749White Forest Cherry
Rs.719Forest Classic Cakes
Rs.699Round Chocolate Cake
Rs.699Tic Tac Toe Chocolate Cake
Rs.699Mothers Day Chocolate Cake
Rs.699Black Forest Dil Scoop
Rs.699Tempting Vanilla Cake
Rs.699White Forest Cake
Rs.699Black Forest Bliss
Rs.649Cherry Luv Black Forest
Rs.649Luv u Papa Butterscotch Cake
Rs.649Chocolate Paradise
Rs.649World's Best Mom Cake
Rs.649Frosted Flowers Cake
Rs.649Eggless Black Forest Cake
Rs.649Creamy Butter Scotch Cake
Rs.599Chocolate Cake
Rs.599Round Butter Scotch Cake
Rs.549Black Forest Cherry Cake
Rs.549Delicious Chocolate Cake
Rs.549Cherry Pineapple Cake
Rs.529The Choco Cake
Rs.499Birthday Chocolate Cake
Rs.499Round Pineapple Cake
Rs.499As soon as India is digitizing, we are stepping into online shopping deeper than ever. You buy almost everything online from groceries to home utilities, then why not some delicious and mouth-watering cakes? Place your online cake order from IndiaGiftsKart now and have cake delivery in Gurgaon as well as 500+ other cities of India. The collection of scrumptious cakes from regular to the luscious range are available at IndiaGiftsKart complementing your celebrations like Birthday, Anniversary, Valentine’s Day, Rakhi, Mother’s Day, Promotion day, theme parties, kids birthday celebration, and more.
IndiaGiftsKart has extended its online cake delivery in Gurgaon and also takes online cake orders from all across the country providing same day and midnight cake delivery services. With the help of IndiaGiftsKart’s multiple delivery services, you can now send cakes to Gurgaon to your loved ones with the same day delivery option. This delivery service is quite useful when it comes to planning last-minute birthday parties, work celebrations, or surprising loved ones with a delicious cake on their birthdays.
To send an anniversary cake or a birthday cake in Gurgaon, just log in to IndiaGiftsKart official website and choose from red velvet, pineapple, fruit cake, chocolate, butterscotch, vanilla, mango, black forest, truffle, white forest, strawberry cakes flavours. Also, you can order or send fondant cakes, classic cakes, tier cakes, kids cakes, cartoon cakes, photo cakes online from IndiaGiftsKart for your grand celebrations. All our delectable cakes are egg and eggless, available in different shapes from round to rectangular, heart-shaped to square and more.
Some of the most frequently bought cakes in Gurgaon from IndiaGiftsKart is an anniversary cake, birthday cake, and valentine’s Day cakes. To make your surprise even more eye-catching add birthday flowers, anniversary flowers, or valentine flowers to your cart and send flowers online to Gurgaon to your loved someone. Your small gesture on such special occasions softness to your relationship and melts their heart to whom you hold close.
Cake order in Gurgaon is simpler than ever since IndiaGiftsKart steps in. Our efficient online cake delivery services assure quality cakes with proper packaging to be delivered at the recipient doorstep. Whether you have chosen midnight cake delivery in Gurgaon or next-morning cake delivery services, you have free shipping from IndiaGiftsKart on all your cake orders with shipment to different cities of India. Now, coming to the midnight delivery services then this is the most approachable delivery service when it comes to surprising loved ones when the clock strikes 12 at midnight.
IndiaGiftsKart provides cake midnight delivery all across India. Also, you can order birthday flowers, anniversary flowers and other flower bouquets with midnight delivery in Gurgaon or anywhere in the city. IndiaGiftsKart, being your most trustful delivery partner ensures you don’t step out in the sun for the sake of buying designer birthday cakes and custom cakes in Gurgaon. We at IndiaGiftsKart, hold the most impressive collection of designer cakes, photo cakes and fondant cakes for your special celebrations. So, to order photo cake in Gurgaon or a designer cakes in Gurgaon, IndiaGiftsKart has got your back.
Online cake delivery in Gurgaon at midnight can be shocking for your parents on the father’s day or a mother’s day but IndiaGiftsKart has the perfect delivery services for such scenarios and, i.e early-morning cake delivery in Gurgaon and other cities. So, while ordering cake online from IndiaGiftsKart, make sure you chose the right delivery service. To send cake to Gurgaon on Mother’s day you can go for early morning cake delivery, for your friend’s birthday, midnight cake delivery is the best from all the available options. Similarly, for office colleagues, relatives, and in-house-party, nothing can beat same day cake delivery services.
Along with allowing you to pick the suitable delivery timing for your online orders, IndiGiftsKart also fulfils your requirements like cakes, flowers and online gift delivery in Gurgaon. The fondant cakes in Gurgaon with cartoon character designs come with chocolate and vanilla flavoured base by IndiaGiftsKart, which is the perfect cake to order online for a kids Birthday party. If you are wondering where to buy the best designer cakes in Gurgaon with same-day delivery then IndiaGiftsKart should be the first name striking your mind. A cartoon cake, sports car cake, barbie cake ordered from us can leave your child in awe and they wouldn’t be tired of asking for more and more delicious cakes.
We love to start or end our celebrations with a sugary bite and the traditional reason behind doing so, is sweets and desserts are meant to strengthen your bonds with your loved ones. Be it birthday or anniversary, rakhi or Diwali, we order cake online to create cherishable memories with our dear ones. But, on most of our traditional occasions, we avoid any consumption of eggs and non-vegetarian food, that doesn’t mean you have to remove cakes from your menu. Online eggless cake delivery in Gurgaon and all across India are never out of option so you can live and eat as you prefer on these celebratory occasions.
You can send eggless cakes to your parents with a flower bouquet from IndiaGiftsKart. So, if your parents or relative reside anywhere in Gurgaon, you can send flowers to Gurgaon from IndiaGiftsKart and leave them awestruck. A wide range of flower bouquet from IndiaGiftsKart is composed of variant floral species, incarnated in eye-catching designs for your every celebration to everybody you love.
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