Red in White Bouquet

Rs. 519/-
Availability: In stock

The combination of red and white roses bouquet express unity and togetherness, best to offer someone on their weddings who are celebrating the years of partnership. Red in white bouquet from IndiaGiftsKart is composed of a bunch of red and white roses wrapped around with white coloured sheet and a white ribbon. To online order red in white roses anywhere in India with doorstep delivery, visit IndiaGiftsKart.

Product Details:-

- Colour of Roses: Red and white
- Number of Roses: 8
- Packing: Coloured Paper
- Fillers: Seasonal fillers
- Ribbon Type: Silk

Care & Tips:-

- Trim 1-2” of the flowers’ stems at a 45 degree and add water for their longer sustain. 
- Avoid direct heat to flowers, they will last longer.
- Remove leaves below the waterline and add lemon & sugar to the water.
- The green fillers added to the bouquet may vary as per seasonal availability.



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