A bunch of pink roses is the way to a woman's heart as they are taken as the token of admiration when given to someone with gratitude. A pink roses bouquet from IndiaGiftsKart would be the best pick on mother’s day for you as it will complement her grace and gentleness in the best way possible. Send pink surprises anywhere in India to whom you admire the most.
Product Details:-
- Colour of Roses: Pink
- Number of Roses: 10 or 18
- Packing: Coloured Paper
- Fillers: Seasonal fillers
- Ribbon Type: Silk
Care & Tips:-
- Trim 1-2” of the flowers’ stems at a 45 degree and add water for their longer sustain.
- Avoid direct heat to flowers, they will last longer.
- Remove leaves below the waterline and add lemon & sugar to the water.
- The green fillers added to the bouquet may vary as per seasonal availability.
Wow Pink Roses
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