Fresh red roses heart-shaped arrangement is specially created for you to wish your partner a happy birthday or happy anniversary or to purpose her with a beautiful ring. Arranged as heart, these heart-shaped roses arrangements are tough to say “No” and simply do the trick for you on every occasion. So, buy the heart of red roses from IndiaGiftsKart now and surprise the love of your life.
Product Details:-
- Colour of Roses: Red
- Number of Roses: 25 or 50
- Packing: Heart-shaped bouquet
Care & Tips:-
- Trim 1-2” of the flowers’ stems at a 45 degree and add water for their longer sustain.
- Avoid direct heat to flowers, they will last longer.
- Remove leaves below the waterline and add lemon & sugar to the water.
- The green fillers added to the bouquet may vary as per seasonal availability.
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