24 mixed roses arrangements from IndiaGiftsKart consists of pink roses, yellow roses, and red roses with aromatic in bloom fillers, hand-arranged over an oasis foam in a basket. Perfect for wedding and anniversary wishes to extend to your loved ones. The mixed roses arrangements from IndiaGiftsKart are up for doorstep deliveries anywhere in India, so hurry! order now!
Product Details:-
- Colour of Roses: Pink, Yellow, Red
- The number of Rose Stems: 24
- Packing: Basket
- Fillers: Seasonal fillers
- Ribbon Type: Silk
Care & Tips:-
- Avoid direct heat to flowers, they will last longer.
- The green fillers added to the bouquet may vary as per seasonal availability.
- The flower basket can be reused as a potpourri holder or to store your trinkets.
- This flower arrangement is composed of Oasis foam that stores water in it that maintains - - -- freshness for a longer time.
Fresh Roses Arrangement
The rose arrangements were fresh and what a prompt delivery service. Someone from their support team namely Netra Sharma helps me to guide for this product.
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